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来源:生态毒理学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2022-08-31
摘要:[5]Zhang, Kai et al. “Understanding plastic degradation and microplastic formation in the environment: A review.” Environmental pollution 274 (2021): . [8]Zhao, Tingting et al. “Microplastics Increase Soil pH and Decrease Micr

[5]Zhang, Kai et al. “Understanding plastic degradation and microplastic formation in the environment: A review.” Environmental pollution 274 (2021): .

[8]Zhao, Tingting et al. “Microplastics Increase Soil pH and Decrease Microbial Activities as a Function of Microplastic Shape, Polymer Type, and Exposure Time.” Frontiers in Environmental Science (2021).

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[9]Lindeque, Penelope K. et al. “Are we underestimating microplastic abundance in the marine environment? A comparison of microplastic capture with nets of different mesh-size.” Environmental pollution 265 Pt A (2020): .

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[12]Huang, Zhuizui et al. “Microplastic: A potential threat to human and animal health by interfering with the intestinal barrier function and changing the intestinal microenvironment.” The Science of the total environment 785 (2021): .

[11]Wang, Jiao et al. “The impact of microplastic-microbe interactions on animal health and biogeochemical cycles: A mini-review.” The Science of the total environment 773 (2021): .

文章来源:《生态毒理学报》 网址: http://www.stdlxbzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2022/0831/2070.html

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